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JAGUAR CARAVAN & CAMPING CLUB ARTICLES AND RULES 1.     DEFINITIONS  a)    “CLUB” throughout refers to the Jaguar Caravan & Camping Club  .      1. “CHAIRMAN” shall refer to the office and not to the gender of its holder.        * “COMMITTEE” means persons elected or appointed to manage the Club.        * “FULL MEMBER” means anyone who meets the qualifying requirements of Rule 4, has paid the appropriate fees and subscriptions and holds a valid membership card.        * “FAMILY MEMBER” means any child of a Full Members household, who are aged 17 and under.        * “NON-UNIT MEMBER” means a single person, 18 years and over, who have no unit and rallies within a Full Members unit.   g)  “RALLY” means any meeting, social event or other function organised with the authorisation of the Committee under the auspices of the Jaguar Caravan & Camping Club   h)    “UNIT” for the purposes of Club rallies where charges are stated to be “per unit”, as defined in Rule 32  i)    “RALLY STEWARD” is the person who has been authorised by the Committee to run the rally and who has full authority to act on their behalf.          * NAME        The Club shall be called “Jaguar Caravan & Camping Club”.       * OBJECTS   The objects of the Club shall be:       * To further and promote the interests of caravanning and camping for the recreation and social benefits of members of the Club.        * To increase the enjoyment of members pastime.        * To hold rallies, meetings and other social events, all of which should be carried out in accordance with the current Code of Conduct.        * To acquire equipment for the use of members attending rallies.        * To observe the Country Code, Caravan Code and the Code of Conduct laid down by the Club.        * To support such charities as may be approved by Committee and members.        * MEMBERSHIP   Membership shall be open to anyone and their spouse/partner, with a unit, wishing to become full members of the Jaguar Caravan & Camping Club, and single persons without a unit, who have attained the age of 18 years and over, who will become non- unit members. Candidates shall make application for membership on the requisite form prescribed by the Committee and  give such undertakings as may be required by them.  The Committee may reject any application without  explanation.  There shall be two classes of membership       * Full Member, as determined by membership of the Jaguar Caravan & Camping Club.        * Non-Unit Member, as determined by BLCCA          * MEMBERSHIP FEE   A membership fee as determined by the Committee shall be deposited with the Club by the candidate at the time of application for membership. In the event of the applicant not being accepted to membership, the fee shall be returned.  6.     SUBSCRIPTIONS       * The subscription as determined by the Committee, shall be payable on 1st January each year.        * Subscriptions of candidates joining at or after the AGM in any year shall cover membership until 31st December of the following year.        * Members whose subscriptions have not been paid by 31st January shall cease to members.        * Committee recommendation relating to subscriptions shall be presented to the Annual General Meeting.        * Changes of subscription shall apply immediately to new applicants and existing members.   7.     REJOINING FEE  Those whose membership has lapsed under Rule 6c may rejoin during the same year on payment of a  rejoining fee, this shall be determined by the Committee.  8.          FREE MEMBERSHIP  On the recommendation of the Committee, any member who has rendered the Club exceptional service for an extended period of time may be granted free membership. Such members shall be exempt from membership subscriptions whilst enjoying all the rights of paying members. They shall however, continue to be liable for all other dues and fees that they may incur.  Free members must apply for membership re-newal annually, and attend at least one Jaguar rally per year, failure to do so, without good reason & agreed by the committee, will result in the privilege being withdrawn and the reinstatement of fees.     9.     NOTIFYING CHANGE OF ADDRESS  The Club shall keep a register of the names and addresses of Full Members.  Every Full member is required to give notice to the Secretary of any change of address. Names of those who cease to be members shall be removed from the register.      * EXPULSIONS   Should any member be guilty in the opinion of the Committee of a breach of the Camping Code or regulations or conduct detrimental to the reputation of the Club, the Committee may by resolution terminate their membership. Any member, whose conduct is in question, shall be entitled to attend a meeting of the Committee at which a resolution for their removal shall be proposed and heard.       * FINANCIAL YEAR   The financial year of the Club shall run from 1st October to 30th September.        * ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING   A general meeting shall be held not earlier than October nor later than mid November in every year to transact the following business:       * To receive a report by the Chairman as to the state of the Club’s affairs and of the past year’s activities.        * To receive a report by the Rally Officer on the past year’s activities and the presentation of the following year’s rally programme.         * To consider and if approved to adopt a statement of the Club’s accounts for the preceding year.        * To elect or re-elect a President and Vice Presidents (if so desired and recommended to the general Meeting by the Committee)        * To elect the Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and members of the Committee as necessitated under Rule 18E, 18F & 18G.         * To consider resolutions requiring the approval of the members in general meeting proposed by the Committee and/or members n accordance with Rule 28.        * To deal with any special matter that the Committee desires to bring before the members.   13.     NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING  The date and location of the General Meeting shall be determined by the Committee and notified to members.   14.     SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING  A Special General Meeting of the Club shall be called on receipt of a written request signed by not less than twenty-five members, stating the purpose for which the Special Meeting is required.  15.     NOMINATIONS  Nominations for Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and members for election to the Committee must be submitted in writing to the Secretary not less than 14 days prior to the date of the Annual General Meeting. The nominations must include written confirmation by the nominees that they are prepared to stand for election.  16.     VOTING  Any full Members present at the Annual General Meeting shall each be entitled to one vote. Voting shall be by show of hands or ballot slip, the Chairman and Secretary acting as tellers. In the event that an equal number of votes are given for and against the motion the Chairman of the meeting shall have a second or casting vote.  17.     CHAIRMAN AT MEETINGS  The Club Chairman shall preside at all meetings. In his absence, the Vice-Chairman shall preside; failing him such a member as the Committee shall appoint.  18.     OFFICERS AND COMMITTEE       * The Committee shall comprise of 10 Full Members to include the Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and 7 General Committee.        * The President, Vice Presidents, Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting in accordance with Rules 18E, 18F, 18G and Rule 27.        * The other 7 places for Committee shall be filled in accordance with Rule 18G and shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting in accordance with Rule 12E.        * Vice Chairman, Assistant Secretary and other Officers of the Club, shall be appointed from and by the Committee at their first meeting following the Annual General Meeting.        * Only Full Members with a minimum of one year’s membership shall be eligible for nomination to the office of Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, President and Vice President. Any Full Member may be voted, or co-opted as a member of the General Committee.        * The Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer shall be elected from the existing or retiring members of the Committee, to hold office for three years. To enable continuity of Club management, only one office per year shall become eligible for election at the Annual General Meeting. Should an Officer or Officers be unable to complete their term of office, the Committee may appoint an existing Committee member to that position for the remaining term of office.           * The President, Vice Presidents and General Committee shall be elected or re-elected annually.        * Full Members nominated for election to the Committee shall be present at the Annual General Meeting unless a medical or other valid reason for their absence is given and accepted by the Committee.        * If a vacancy exists on the Committee or any member of the Committee is unable to complete their term of service the Committee may co-opt another Full Member to fill the vacancy until the next Annual General Meeting when they are eligible for re-election.   19.     DUTIES OF OFFICERS  The Committee shall define the duties of all officers of the Club.  20.     COMMITTEE MEETINGS  Meetings shall be held monthly unless otherwise decided by the Committee.   21.     QUORUM  A quorum for Committee meetings, except when dealing with expulsions, all members of the committee shall be notified in advance and with at least two key members attending (i.e. Chairman, Secretary, or Treasurer) and a minimum of three shall constitute a quorum. 22.     PROCEEDINGS AT COMMITTEE MEETINGS       * The Committee may meet together to execute their business, adjourn and otherwise regulate their affairs in a way they may think fit. Matters arising at any meeting shall be decided by a majority of the votes of those present. In the case of an equality of votes the Chairman of the meeting shall have a second or casting vote.        * Notwithstanding that the number of members of the Committee may fall below 10, the remaining members may act so long as a quorum is present at all meetings.        * The Committee may delegate any of their powers to sub-committees consisting of such members as they may think fit and shall include at least one member of the Club Committee. The proceedings of sub-committees shall be regulated by the same rules as apply to the Committee   23.     MINUTES  The Committee shall cause minutes to be made of all:       * Appointments of Officers and Committee members.        * The names of all Committee members present at each meeting of the Committee and of any sub-committee.        * Resolutions and proceedings of the Club and of the Committee and of all sub-committees   24.     ACCOUNTS  The Committee shall ensure that:       * The funds of the Club are deposited with a reputable Bank or Building Society to the best advantage of the Club.        * True accounts are kept of the monies received and expended by the Club and the matters to which they relate and of the assets and liabilities of the Club.        * The books shall be kept at the address of the Treasurer and shall be open to inspection by the Committee at all times.        * The Committee shall place before the members at the Annual General Meeting each year, an account of income and expenditure made up to the end of the Financial Year preceding.   25.     AUTHORITY TO SIGN       * The Committee shall have the power to determine who shall be entitled to sign on the Club’s behalf receipts, endorsements, contracts and documents.        * In respect of cheques only the Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer may sign, each cheque shall be signed by two of the signatories.   26.     EXPENSES  Every Committee member shall be entitled to recover from the Club the proper and reasonable expenses they have incurred in executing the duties, with which they have been charged by the Committee. Travelling expenses for every mile over, each way, may be charged at the Government set rate, currently 45p per mile. This is only appropriate for Committee and Association business.  27.     DISQUALIFICATION OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS  No member who is an un-discharged bankrupt or who has been convicted of an offence involving financial misconduct may be appointed to the positions of Chairman, Secretary or Treasurer, and any holder of any of these offices who becomes bankrupt or so convicted or is found to have been so convicted shall be disqualified immediately from office.  28.     NOTICES OF PROPOSAL  Any proposal to amend the Objects of the Club or Rules of the Club and all notices of motion shall be submitted in writing to the Secretary not less than 28 days prior to the date of the Annual General Meeting and shall be signed and dated by the proposer and seconder. The proposal must be supported by a two-thirds majority vote to gain acceptance.       * INTERPRETATION OF THE RULES   Questions as to the interpretation of these rules shall be referred to the Committee for decision, which shall be binding on all members. Any matter not provided for in the Rules of the Club, shall be decided finally by the Committee.       * RALLY BOOKINGS        * Members are required to book in advance any rally they are proposing to attend. If you are unable to attend, the Rally Secretary should be informed of your cancellation.        * Rally bookings will not be accepted before 15th January of the year that rally takes place.        * Rally deposits are only refundable on the presentation of a medical certificate, or at the discretion of the Committee.         * ATTENDANCE OF RALLIES        * Meets are open to members of the Jaguar Caravan & Camping Club and British Leyland Camping & Caravan Association only, in accordance with the Certificate of Exemption under which they are held.   No overnight adult visitors are allowed on the rally site unless they are members and/or special permission has been given.       * Only caravans towed by members’ cars and camping equipment for the use of members will be allowed on sites.        * A current BL sticker must be displayed on the window of the member’s vehicle. Failure to exhibit one can result in refusal of admission to the rally site.        * Proof of membership is to be shown to Rally Stewards or Committee members if requested.        * CLASSIFICATION OF A UNIT   a)    A unit is classified as: a caravan/tent/trailer tent/motor caravan, one vehicle, an awning, toilet tent, and one pup tent, the Full Members, Family Members and Non Unit Members to a total number of persons the unit is designed for. Additional charges for adults may be made if they are considered above the normal occupancy of the unit. Additional cars may be permitted at the discretion of the Rally Steward but may be charged for in certain circumstances.        *   Pup tents are classed as part of the unit when occupied by children. They must be used for sleeping in only and have a maximum sleeping area of 6ft x 8ft with minimum porch entrance. This means a pup tent is not required to comply with the 20 feet rule and can be pitched close to their parents unit. Only one pup tent is allowed per unit. If the tent is larger, permission must be obtained before it is erected.        *    Properly constructed toilet tents may be erected on rally sites.        *  Campers/motorised caravans if accompanied by a frame tent or tourer caravan will be sited as two units and charged as such.   33.     PITCHING       * On arrival at rally site, members must report to the appropriate Rally Steward for pitching instructions.        * Trailer tents and tents must be sited at the end of rows, or in separate rows to caravans and motor homes as laid down by DOE.        * Weekend rallies start at 5pm on Friday unless arranged otherwise, any member arriving on site before the Rally Steward, must be prepared to move if required.        * Pitches may only be saved at the discretion of the Rally Steward.   34.     CONDUCT       * Authority for the conduct of the rally site is vested in the Rally Steward.        * Persons in breach of rally site rules can be reported to the Committee and disciplinary action may be taken.   35.     TRADING  Trading is not allowed on any meet unless authorised by the Rally Steward or an Officer of the Club.  36.     LIABILITY  The Club will not accept liability for any accident, loss or damage to persons or property occupying any  part of the site, however caused.  37.     CHILDREN  Children are the responsibility of their parents, who will be held accountable for their children’s actions.  Children are not allowed in halls, marquees etc. without their parents.   38.     SAFETY ON RALLY SITE  a)     No naked lights or cooking stoves to be used in pup tents.  b)     Caravans and tents must be pitched in positions indicated by the Rally Steward so as to allow not less than 20 feet minimum spacing between units. Vehicles may be parked between units provided that a 10 feet clear space is left within the 20 feet gap at all times.  c)     No windbreaks or canopies should be used to link two units together thereby creating a fire bridge across the 20 feet firebreak. Windbreaks, canopies or gazebos may be used to protect barbecues or a social gathering providing site access is not obstructed and the gap between units is not reduced by more than approximately 50%. They must be removed after use.   d)     Fires are not to be lit on site without permission of the Rally Steward. Barbecues should be sited well away from tents, vans, awnings etc.  Great care should be exercised during dry weather.  e)     It is strongly recommended that members units are equipped with a suitable fire extinguisher and a first aid kit. A bucket of water placed outside the unit is also useful.  f)     Speed of vehicles on site must not exceed 5 miles per hour.  g)     No learner drivers will be allowed to drive on the rally field.  39.     GENERAL BEHAVIOUR  a)     Respect should be shown to the landowner’s property, trees, fences, buildings, equipment and stock. Areas indicated as out of bounds must be strictly adhered to.  b)     Dogs and other pets must be kept under control at all times. No animal is allowed loose on the site, and must always be on a lead not exceeding 10 feet if outside a unit. Rally Stewards are authorised to ask any animal owner to leave the site if their pet becomes a nuisance. Pets must be exercised away from units in an area indicted by the Rally Steward. Any fouling of the ground in the immediate area of the units must be cleaned up immediately.   c)     It is forbidden to fly kites and model aircraft and to use catapults firearms, bows and arrows, metal detectors etc. on the rally field. Ball games or any other activity that is liable to cause damage must not be played in the vicinity of a members unit but well away in an open space.  d)     The use of children’s powered cars, trikes etc. are not allowed on the rally field, except where their use is an aid to a disable person.  e)     Cycles must not be ridden within the immediate vicinity of members units.  f)     Sites must be kept clear of spare equipment and nothing other than wastewater and fresh water receptacles, gas cylinders or equipment deemed necessary must be sited under or around units.   g)     Each pitch must be left clear of litter at the end of the rally and a careful check made before leaving the field that no litter has been left behind.       *      Members are expected to act with consideration for others on site and for neighbouring residents by driving slowly, and keeping noise from radios, record and tape players, televisions, generators or other noise at a minimum particularly at an hour when it would annoy others. There should be no noise between the hours of 11.15pm and 7.00am.   i)     Members may only use generators between the hours of 10.00am and 7.00pm unless it is for medical reasons. Should it be necessary, and in the interests of site harmony, the Rally Steward may if appropriate, ask people using generators to site themselves away from non-users. If following complaints from other members the Rally Steward considers the use of a generator to be causing a nuisance, they may ask that member to stop using their generator. Failure to carry out the instructions of the Rally Steward can result in that member being asked to leave the site and their actions reported to the Committee for consideration.   j)     Cars should not be driven on and off the rally field if at all possible when the ground is wet, so as to prevent damage to the site.  40.     PUBLIC HEALTH  a)     Toilets will be required on all rallies unless otherwise stated.  b)     Chemical toilets must not be flushed out or filled at drinking water taps. Where there is no separate tap for the flushing or filling of toilets, a suitable container may be used to collect water from the drinking water tap for this purpose.   c)     Members may only use formaldehyde based chemical fluids in their toilets.  d)     The contents of chemical toilets must not be disposed of except by emptying them at disposal points provided or in accordance with the instructions of the Rally Steward.  e)     All waste paper and other solid refuse must be deposited in receptacles provided for that purpose, but where not provided must be taken home and not deposited in the chemical toilet disposal pit.  f)     Wastewater must be collected in a suitable receptacle and not allowed to overflow and foul the ground. It must be emptied at disposal points if provided or by distributing in an area such as along a hedge. Wastewater soak away filters are not allowed.