Membership runs from the 1st January to the 31st December.Membership covers two adults plus children under the age of 18 years up to the maximum capacity of your unit (caravan plus awning, motorhome or tent). Any children, friends or relatives aged 18 years or over wishing to stay in your unit must first become either full members of JCCC or non unit members. Non unit members are not permitted to sleep in separate pup tents.
In addition to all memberships costs there is a cost of £2.50 P&P for the Rally Book.
Existing MembersMembership will automatically be cancelled if not renewed by the 31st January and will cost £16.50 to rejoin
Renewal Charges:Renewal charges if no rallies attended membership will be £16.50 plus £2.50 if the rally book requires posting.
Renewal charges if you have done 1 or more rallies the previous year will be £10 plus £2.50 if the rally book requires posting.
You can apply on line via the link below: Renew Membership On Line Application.
1. You can complete the JCCC renewal membership form on line and pay by bank transfer to
Jaguar ccc
Account Number 88737060 Sort Code Number 30-99-50
2. Or print the form off and send a cheque to :
Margaret Monks
14 Brewers Close
Tel (07761535957)
jaguarmemberships@gmail.comPlease remember to add £2.50 to allow me to post your rally book
3. Come along to signing on night where you will be able to chat to other members. A bar will be open at:-
BULKINGTON WORKING MEN'S CLUBTHURSDAY 9th JANUARY @ 7' O CLOCK78 CHEQUER STREETBULKINGTONCV12 9NH If you wish to renew your membership with the club.
1. Apply Online via this link:
Renew Membership Online Application 2. Click on the link and print / complete the "Jaguar CCC Renewal Membership Form ":
Membership FormMargaret Monks
14 Brewers Close
New MembersThe cost of new membership is £16.50 (Plus £2.50 P&P For The Rally Book)
If you wish to join the club, you have 2 options:
1. Apply Online via this link:
New Membership Online Application
2. Click on the link and print / complete the "Jaguar CCC New Membership Form ":
Membership Formplease post the form with a cheque for £19.00 payable to Jaguar Caravan And Camping Club to the address below. If you do not have a cheque book please pay by Bank Transfer (please place your surname and Membership Number into the reference).
Bank transfer to: Jaguar CCC
Account: 88737060 Sort Code 30 99 50 (Lloyds Bank)
Margaret Monks
14 Brewers Close